Imam Ali (pbuh) said: He who forgives with a short hand will be rewarded with a long hand.

Celebration of the Birth Anniversary of Imam Jawad (A.S.) in Mashhad

جشن میلاد امام جواد علیه السلام در مشهد مقدس برگزار گردید

The auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Jawad (A.S.) was celebrated at the Heratian Hosseiniyah in the holy city of Mashhad. The event was attended by religious leaders, representatives from charitable organizations, academic, cultural, and social institutions, as well as traders, businessmen, respected philanthropists, and media representatives.
The celebration began with a warm welcome, followed by the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Mr. Kazem Asgharzadeh, eulogies by Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.) eulogists Mr. Jalil Ahmad Azimi and Mr. Jawad Rasouli, and a speech by Hujjat al-Islam Mr. Nematullah Sheikhzadeh. A video showcasing the charity’s activities over the past nine months of 2024, prepared by the Herat, Kabul, and Mashhad offices, was then presented. Mr. Jalil Ahmad Hasanzadeh was the announcer for the program.
At the end of the program, our colleagues Mr. Mohammad Kazem Yousafi and Haji Aminullah Taherian were presented with appreciation letters for their years of dedicated service. The event concluded with the distribution of brochures detailing the organization’s activities, along with a warm meal for the attendees.