Imam Ali (pbuh) said: He who forgives with a short hand will be rewarded with a long hand.

Imam Jawad’s (AS) birth anniversary celebration and yearly activities report (Herat)

Celebration of special events and yearly activities report are annual programs of Imam Jawad (AS) Charity Organization in Afghanistan This year as the previous years, the charity has celebrated Imam Jawad’s birth anniversary and presented the yearly report of the charity’s activities in 1401 (2022-2023). The guests has been briefly informed about the charity’s activities since the beginning of the current year. They were invited to check the charity’s website for further information.

The gathering started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Master Akbari

Performance of the Shahed hymn group from the Shahid Najafi Foundation

A eulogy by Haji Vahid Alizadeh

Speech by Dr. Mohammad Akif Vathighi

End of ceremony and meal