Imam Ali (pbuh) said: He who forgives with a short hand will be rewarded with a long hand.

Eid Gifts (Eidi) for Orphans by Imam Jawad (A.S)Charity Organization in Afghanistan (Herat)

Caring for children, especially sponsoring orphans, is a righteous deed that has been given a truly high status in our Islamic culture.
Since its inception, Imam Jawad (AS) Charity Organization in Afghanistan has always been an active advocate for the right of children and orphans. Several times during the year, this Organization provides daily care to orphans to support them, and protect them from emotional neglect.
On the verge of Eid days, during a charitable event, Imam Jawad (AS) Charity Organization in Afghanistan collaboration with Ayatollah Fayaz Charity Foundation provided Eid gifts, including clothes, shoes, sweets, and cash, to 300 orphans, who are permanent beneficiaries of Imam Jawad (A.S) Charity Organization in Afghanistan.