Imam Ali (pbuh) said: He who forgives with a short hand will be rewarded with a long hand.

Blanket Distribution for Families Supported by the Imam Jawad Charity Organization

توزیع کمپل برای نیازمندان تحت پوشش در افغانستان - هرات

Annually, as the cold season approaches, we commit ourselves to finding ways to help needy families keep their homes warm. For this reason, we invite our compassionate community to offer their generosity and help.
We are fortunate that our people consistently remember those less fortunate and place their trust in the Imam Jawad Charity Organization. By donating to this cause, they sleep peacefully, knowing that their contributions bring warmth and comfort to vulnerable families and protect them from the cold nights.
On November 2, 2024, high-quality blankets were distributed to families under the care of our organization. We remain hopeful for your continued support so that we can reach even more struggling families and provide them with essential heating supplies this winter.